POV-Ray : Newsgroups : povray.newusers : beginner animation question : beginner animation question Server Time
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  beginner animation question  
From: SplaTTer
Date: 1 Oct 2002 04:45:04
Message: <web.3d995e535c725ea05fa049500@news.povray.org>
I want output rendered files (png, tga, whatever) during a while loop.  This
is independent of time. I'm simply reading from a file where each new
would-be frame is just an additional sphere  (see code segment below).  How
do i go about doing this, I didn't find the online tutorials very helpful
in this area and couldn't find any sample code illustrating this.

This is just what i wrote so far, i don't mind going about it in a different
way.  Also for some reason this webbased server doesn't like it when i use
">" or "<" marks so i replaced them with "]" and "[" when i wanted to use

#while (i < N)

        #read (plasma_file,  v1, v2, v3)

        sphere  {
                [v1, v2, v3], .05
                pigment { rgb [i/N,i/N,1] }
                finish { reflection .5 phong .7 }
                ***  //output to seqential file

           #declare i = i + 1;

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